Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today is the Day

I am starting to incorporate this in my nightly routine. Not that this is a must but as my title states... it's my sweet escape.

Today has been one of the craziest days I've ever had at work. It seemed as if I wasn't ready for anything. It felt like I wasn't able to plan this day well enough to be prepared for the mishaps here and there. May be I focused on the wrong stuffs. I was expecting a one on one with a market leader but instead there was a huge swamp of people that walked in on a usually dead Thursday. Nevertheless, I am not going to dwell on that anymore because it's over and done with. The day is almost through and next thing I know, it will be a brand new morning.

This leads me to another interesting chapter from my book. How many times have we heard the line, "Live in the present moment."? I, myself is guilty of saying this a lot but really, do I?

I do admit I have a lot of hang ups. It's so easy for me to say that I don't regret anything that happened to me in the past but the fears and insecurities that I have must have grown from somewhere. I can't just wake up one morning and just say, I'm scared of this and that.

On the other end of the spectrum, I can also be too focused on my future... my anticipation of what life is going to be. Of course, I'm always hopeful that things will be great and wonderful. I'm optimistic that way but may be in the process I tend to take for granted how beautiful life is... now!!!

Moving forward, I love what this other chapter talks about... It claims that "The people you meet are all here to teach you something." Regardless if you like the person or not, you will learn something from them. It's your job though to find out what are they trying to teach you. May be it's not them directly teaching you something but their existence in your life probably has a deeper purpose.

Everyday we come across different kinds of people. At work, I meet the kindest, most interesting people but at the same time, I also encounter the rudest and the ill-mannered ones. Rule of thumb is to never take things personal because really, everyday at work is an adventure. It's a jungle out there. You don't know what kind of people you will come across and how much impact they will have in your life.

I remember one day I randomly told a few of my friends to be a miracle to someone today. Some of them liked it while the others thought I was on crack or something. But everyday, we are given a chance to make a difference, no matter how small we think our gesture is. So, instead of us wondering why certain people do certain things, why won't we ask ourselves, what are they trying to teach me.

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