Tuesday, May 25, 2010


There would come a point when I will learn to say "no" to the things that get thrown at me. For some reasons, people forget that I'm also human. I have limitations. I've been running the show, mostly by myself for too long that it has reached a point when people no longer know how to function when I'm not around. I don't do anything different. It's not like I do magic. And yet when I am not around, things just go crazy. To make it worse, I get blamed for things that go wrong. It's not always smooth sailing when I'm there. I come across bumps too but I get up and move on. But for them, it's like the end of the world every time. And yet here they are giving the same lame excuse as to why things happen they way they do but really they are just taking advantage of the situation. I'm so sick and tired of this! I really am!

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