Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Blog is Born

I remember six years ago, I had a blog. In fact it still exists and I go visit it every now and then.

In the beginning, I talked about Patrick. It was more like the daily adventures of a first time mom. I would post a lot of pictures and tell random things but all about Patrick.

Then I met Arvin... And my posts changed into a novela of our love story... an account of where everything began. And that's probably why I stopped blogging because some of the things we went through weren't meant to be shared to the world wide web.

So here I am again. Now clueless on how to edit and do all those fun stuffs on my page. Nevertheless maybe blogging will help me clear my mind. A friend once told me that it doesn't matter what I write, regardless if i have a lot of typos and wrong grammar as long as I write, it should help me feel better. No, I'm not sad nor am I depressed but this year has been a busy one and I need that sweet escape and thus I welcome you to my world... I welcome you to my blog...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Nina

    Your post is indeed an interesting read..
    really enjoyed and imagined you seated beneath a shade writing..
    There is a book i would recommend you to read _ its called "you can heal your life" by Louise Hay - the friend who suggested this book to me never reads - i was surprised when she told me that this book helped her a lot and her words have got me excited to read it..
    Anyways..May you only attract the best things in life. Best Wishes ..Deaa
